Phone List » Algeria Phone Number Library
Algeria Phone Number Library
Algeria Phone Number Library is essential if you are thinking of implementing telemarketing. First of all, our database website is one of the most popular sites to take or build a contact list. Also, if you want to make an SMS or telemarketing campaign in the country, then we recommend using the mobile number database. In brief, we provided you with all of the 95% accurate and active client contact lists in Excel or CSV files.
The Algeria Phone Number directory is like a big phone book that helps businesses talk to people in Algeria. It’s useful for telemarketing because it makes finding phone numbers easy and quick. Imagine it’s like having a magical list of phone numbers that lets companies find and call people who might like their products or services. This list helps businesses talk to the right people in the right places, saving time and making sure they reach people who are interested. It also helps companies follow the rules so they don’t get into trouble. So, the Cell Phone Number Library is like a super tool that helps businesses share their cool stuff with many people in Algeria in a smart and safe way.
Algeria Mobile Phone Number List

Algeria Mobile Phone Number List contains the actual B2C contact number. Also, this is perhaps the best and ideal data for you at this time. We suggest choosing the lead to get the correct number list. Again, anyone can promote their product through this consumer contact list to boost their business. Yet, if you like to build or buy a directory database, then you can see our package below.
Algeria’s Country Code is +213. This country is the largest in Africa. Algeria’s GDP in 2023 was approximately $190 billion USD. The economy has experienced moderate growth in recent years, with an average annual growth rate of around 3-4%. The population stood at 45.95 million in January 2024. Besides, Algeria’s population increased by 687 thousand (+1.5 percent) between early 2023 and the start of 2024.
Buy Algeria Cell Phone Number List
Buy Algeria Cell Phone Number List can be a smart move. If you’re looking to boost your telemarketing efforts in Algeria, buy a cell phone number list. Purchasing a well-curated list helps you connect with potential customers who are interested in your products or services, increasing your chances of making sales and improving your income profit. A targeted cell phone number list ensures that your marketing messages reach the right place, maximizing the effectiveness of your campaigns. By investing in a reliable list, you streamline your outreach, reduce wasted resources, and enhance your overall telemarketing strategy for better results and higher returns.
Phone number format in Algeria:
A total of 50.65 million cellular mobile connections were active in 2024. Also, this figure is equivalent to 110.2 percent of the total population. A standard Algerian phone number consists of 10 digits. It follows this format: Area code: 2 digits (e.g., 21 for Algiers) + Local number: 8 digits
Example: 21 12345678
List Included:
Total Phone Numbers: 11 Million
Price: $11,000
List Included:
Total Phone Numbers: 5 Million
Price: $7,500
List Included:
Total Phone Numbers: 3 Million
Price: $4,000
Total Phone Numbers: 1 Million
Price: $1,500
List Included:
Total Phone Numbers: 500,000
Price: $1,000
List Included:
Total Phone Numbers: 100,000
Price: $350